UNL Cadet is 1 of 28 in Nation to Earn Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program (ENJJPT) Slot

August 17, 2023


Cadet Markus Case is a 5th-year cadet at Detachment 465 studying Mechanical Engineering. C/Case was recently 1 of 28 cadets accepted into the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program (ENJJPT). ENJJPT is the only multinational military pilot training program in the world. He will be flying with trainees from Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The flight instructors are also from these 13 countries. The training is described to have a better training environment, enhanced standardization, and interoperability. This program grows friendships and respect among all individuals. Another advantage of this program is that everyone has the opportunity to track T-38s. Typically in Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT), pilots will start training with T-6s and then trainees will either track T-1s (air refueling, transport, etc.) or T-38s (fighters or bombers). C/Case aspires to
be a fighter pilot and this program gives him a great opportunity to become one. Unfortunately, the wait time is two years. In the meantime, C/Case will attend the Air Force Institute of Technology for 18 months to obtain a Master of Science in Operations Research and will eventually be a professor at the Air Force Academy.