On 7 March 2024, the cadets at Detachment 465 took their second Physical Fitness Diagnostic (PFD) of the semester. A PFD is an unofficial Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), which is the health assessment used by the Air Force to test cardiovascular and muscular fitness. Det 465 will take three PFDs and one PFA this semester. The PFD helps cadets see where they are with their physical health so they can adjust their daily workout routine and diet to ensure they are meeting Air Force standards. The goal of the Cadet Wing this spring is to have each cadet increase their PT score by 5%from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester. From the first PFD to the second PFD of this semester, the wing increased the average PT score by 11 points! This is a huge increase and a testament to the hard work of each individual cadet. We are excited to see how much more cadets will improve and have confidence that each cadet will be able to hit the 5% goal.
March 29, 2024