On March 21, 2024, Detachment 465 held its first annual Shadow Day where they welcomed 21 high school students from across Nebraska and neighboring states to better understand Air Force ROTC operations and observe how the program contributes to a cadet’s development. During their visit, students met with current cadre members and cadets to receive a briefing of the training environment and objectives, commissioning timelines, scholarship details, and comprehensive job descriptions. Participants later engaged in the great experience of Leadership Laboratory (LLAB), which is aimed to challenge cadets to real-world critical thinking and decision-making exercises. Shadow Day attendees were also able to hear first-hand from a current Cyber Officer and
how her role in the Air Force contributes to the security of our nation.
Our goal is to bring into perspective for these students that at Detachment 465, we can get them to their future, whether they want to fly, practice medicine become a lawyer, or work with innovative technology, Detachment 465 delivers 100% job placement post-graduation. Prospective cadets were able to serve as witnesses to the impact Detachment 465 has on shaping the future officers of the United States Air and Space Force. We are Flying Huskers! Build your Legacy.