Offutt Air Force Base Visit: a POC and GMC Perspective

April 1, 2023

OAFB Visit

Written By: Cadets Jillian Rokes and Shelby Stevens

Cadet Shelby Stevens, a GMC cadet writes, "The base visit was a great way to get exposure to different careers and make connections with people in the Air Force. Listening to briefs and seeing a little bit of what goes on around the base was very interesting. I found new careers I want to explore and learned many things that will help prepare me for a future in the Air Force. It was amazing to meet new people and hear their experiences and is something I definitely recommend for everyone."
Cadet Jillian Rokes, a POC cadet writes, "The base visit to Offutt was a great way to take a look at what some of the careers in the Air Force do on a day-to-day basis. Being able to interact with active duty officers provided an eye-opening experience in seeing day in, day out duties being carried out on an Air Force base. I enjoyed being able to experience this opportunity with the Kansas University Detachment and getting to know their cadets throughout the day. My favorite part was touring the RC-135V/W Rivet Joint and learning what each crew member’s responsibilities were and how they performed them."