New Semester brings in new Leadership and Vision

September 1, 2023


Written By: Cadet Michael Price

My name is Michael Price and I am a senior Russian Major here at UNL. I come from a military family and grew up on various Air Force bases around the world! My dad is still an active duty Air Force officer and works as an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies (APAS) at Detachment 758 at the University of Memphis. Throughout my cadet career I have been involved in extracurricular clubs and activities around the Detachment. I have been an active member and vice commander of our local Arnold Air Society Squadron, commander of the Flying Husker Honor Guard, and have recently become a voting member of the Flying Husker Booster Club. My extracurricular involvement and connections made along the way have prepared me to take on the position of Cadet Wing Commander for the Fall 2023 semester.


As the Cadet Wing Commander, I was tasked with creating a vision statement to act as a guiding principle in the Cadet Wing’s operations for the Fall 2023 semester. I based my vision statement, “The P.R.I.C.E Plan” around Detachment 465’s mission statement: Develop Air & Space Force Leaders of Character Whom We Expect To Fight & Win Our Nation’s Wars, Today. “The P.R.I.C.E Plan” can be broken down into the following principles: Prioritization, Recruitment/Retention, Initiative, Conduct, and Excellence. My overarching goal as the Cadet Wing Commander is to lead the development of cadets into resilient, self-aware, and well-rounded officers whom we can expect to fight and win our nation’s next conflict

Change of Command