Flying Huskers embrace University Intramural Sports

April 30, 2024


The Flying Huskers are currently participating in six different sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball, football, softball, and bubble soccer. Having a team for every sport has ensured cadets are able to participate in any they enjoy and excel at. This also gives cadets an opportunity to experience sports they have not played before. Many cadets have played in their first soccer, volleyball, or softball game this semester.


Here at Detachment 465 teamwork and leadership skills are some of the biggest things you learn in the program. Cadets at every level have been given the opportunity to use and build these skills in a fun and sporting environment. Being in AFROTC, we have a high standard placed on physical fitness. These sports teams provide a fun and engaging way for cadets to stay in shape while also improving their athletic abilities. Intramurals increase camaraderie and familiarity between cadets. Intramurals create an inclusive environment where all cadets can participate regardless of their class or physical ability. This promotes diversity and inclusion in our Detachment and fosters a sense of unity while everyone has a role to play on the different sports teams. Intramural sports play a vital role in boosting morale and fostering teamwork within Detachment 465 and we are grateful for the opportunity to be able to play them here at UNL.
