Det 465 Competes in Joint Field Meet

November 1, 2023


Written By: Cadet Eddie Morrissette

The Joint Field Meet is an annual competition between our detachment and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Army and Navy ROTC battalions. This year, these units will compete in events including ultimate frisbee, casualty evacuation, log sit-ups, tug-of-war, and a 4 x 100-meter relay race. For the casualty evacuation event, teams of four cadets run while carrying another cadet on a stretcher. The log sit-up event gives teams of eight cadets two minutes to complete as many sit-ups as possible while collectively holding a large log. Each unit receives points depending on their placing in each event, and at the end of the Joint Field Meet, the unit with the most points wins. “My favorite thing about Joint Field Meet was competing with the other branches and participating in the Casevac race!” said Senior Cadet Rokes


Here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, this meet is especially unique because most universities do not host all three ROTC programs. The participation of all programs exposes our cadets to relationships and cultures that many other ROTC cadets do not get to experience. Overall, the Joint Field Meet fuels friendly competition, promotes teamwork, and boosts morale.