Cadets Get C-17 Flight Experience

November 1, 2023


Written By: Cadet Colton Choat

Recently, the cadets here at Detachment 465 got the opportunity to ride in a C-17 Globemaster from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. The jet came down to Lincoln for the Nebraska vs. Michigan flyover and to assist in Army Airborne training. The cadets got to tour the jet and tag along while the Army unit parachuted out. After the Airborne training, the C-17 crew lowered the back ramp and let cadets sit on the edge mid-flight.

While the cadets were taking turns sitting on the ramp, the pilots were practicing the flyover for the Michigan game. The Flyover Coordinator Tech, Cadet Elena Burgwald, and our Detachment Commander, Lt Col Garito, were on the stadium roof giving the pilots updates and feedback on timing. I had the privilege of joining the pilots in the cockpit to hear Cadet Burgwald’s calls and discuss the flyover. The flight was a great opportunity to experience airpower and meet with active-duty Air Force personnel. Thank you, Lt Col Kevin Unks, for coordinating this opportunity for us.